An In-Depth Look at IV Sedation in Dentistry

Most dental treatments are straightforward and relatively brief, requiring nothing more than local anesthetic. However, some cases may call for other sedation options. IV sedation is among the most common choices in sedation dentistry, but many patients aren’t sure about it. Here are answers to the top 7 questions patients ask about this option.

1. What’s the difference between IV sedation and local anesthetic?

You’ve likely had local anesthetic before. If you’ve visited the dentist for a filling or other basic treatment, then they probably used a local anesthetic to prevent pain in that area. They administer it by needle, and it numbs the area around the injection site.

While local anesthetic prevents pain, it doesn’t do anything for dental anxiety. Few patients enjoy dental work, but for some, just the thought of treatment causes stress. IV sedation is applied intravenously and not only blocks any pain but also keeps the patient relaxed throughout the appointment.

2. Is IV sedation safe?

Safety is one of the top concerns that patients have when they consider any treatment option. IV sedation has a long history of use in dentistry and other medical treatments, showing that it is very safe and delivers reliable comfort and calmness during your visit.

You can also rest easy knowing that dental sedation at Bloomington Modern Dentistry is carefully administered by Dr. Baker, who has extensive experience in sedation dentistry. You’re in good hands with Bloomington Modern Dentistry—we take every step to ensure the safety of our patients.

3. Will I have to go to a hospital for sedation?

People often confuse IV sedation with general anesthesia, which makes them think that they’re going to have to go to a hospital to receive treatment. IV sedation keeps you calm and relaxed but not unconscious. You may fall asleep due to the drowsiness caused by IV sedation, but this is not the same as general anesthesia.

An experienced dentist can safely administer IV sedation with support from their team members instead of requiring the oversight of a surgical department. At Bloomington Modern Dentistry, Dr. Baker has the required knowledge and experience to provide on-site dental sedation.

4. When is IV sedation the right choice?

The majority of treatments you might need from your dentist will require only a local anesthetic. However, IV sedation can be the right choice for longer or more complex treatments. If you’re going to be sitting in the dental chair for some time, IV sedation can help keep you calm and avoid the need for repeated local anesthetic injections.

IV sedation also serves an important role for people who suffer from dental anxiety. These feelings can make even routine dental work seem overwhelming, leading many to avoid the dentist entirely. And their health can suffer as a result. IV sedation makes it possible for individuals with dental anxiety to receive the treatment they need.

5. I’ve never had an IV before—what is it like?

Some patients can feel nervous ahead of IV sedation because it is an unfamiliar experience. However, there’s no need to worry. Before your treatment, your dentist will insert a needle into a vein in your arm. This is very quick and the only part of the process where you’ll feel anything.

A line attaches to the needle, and a slow but steady drip of sedative feeds directly into your bloodstream. The dose is carefully determined by the dentist, and they closely monitor you throughout your appointment. The calmness and relaxation take effect almost immediately.

6. Will I remember anything from my treatment?

Being unable to remember anything after a procedure is something that’s more associated with general anesthesia, where a patient is unconscious. Under IV sedation, you will be a bit drowsy but still conscious. So though memory of your treatment may not be the clearest, you will likely still remember it.

7. Do I need someone to drive me home?

Yes, you will need to arrange for someone to drive you home after your treatment. You may feel drowsy for a few hours after IV sedation and will likely feel normal within 12 hours, but you will still have to avoid driving until a full 24 hours have passed.

Ensure your comfort during your next dental treatment.

If you’re in need of any type of dental treatment, you can count on your modern dental group in Bloomington, Illinois, to provide comfort and address your unique needs. We can discuss sedation options ahead of your treatment appointment and provide IV sedation on-site.

Schedule your appointment with Bloomington Modern Dentistry today.